We've all been there when it comes to thinking about working out outdoors; it's either too cold, too hot, too rainy, or too crowded. But we’re here to let you in on a little secret. There are many benefits to working out outdoors, not least of which are better calorie burn and better mood.

The main advantage is that working out outside puts your muscles to the test because of the hills, valleys, and hurdles. Exercise outside will also lift your spirits and increase your sense of self-worth. Remember to stay hydrated by drinking lots of water and stay cool by dressing in performance fabrics and leggings that won't sweat.

And for those of you who are starting a new fitness journey, you’ll be happy to hear that exercising outside doesn't always have to feel like exercise. Think of it as a fun way to spend a day out, and you get to choose your level of intensity, whether it’s a gentle walk or something more demanding. We’ve put together our top outdoor exercise ideas that are great to do alone or with a group, so keep reading if you want to try something new.

Body Weight Circuit 

How it works: Power walk or jog lightly for at least five minutes to warm up before you begin. After that, complete each exercise for the allotted amount of time or repetitions.

Outdoor Workouts That Torch Calories And Transform Your Mood Luxeit Blog

Triceps Dip

Targets the shoulders, core, and triceps

1. Take a bench seat with your hands on either side of your hips. Lean forward off the bench and use your hands to steady yourself. Legs should be straight, and heels should be firmly planted.

2. Tighten your triceps, bend your elbows, and bring your upper arms down to parallel with the floor.

3. Push through your palms and take a step back to where you were before. Keep your lower back in contact with the bench the entire time.

Perform 15 repetitions.

Incline Push-Up

This exercise works the shoulders, core, biceps, and triceps.

1. Face away from the bench in the park. Put your feet on the bench and your hands on the ground.

2. Step forward with your hands until your legs are fully stretched and your shoulders are in line.

3. Perform a push-up by lowering your chest to the floor.

Work your way up from 8 to 20 reps

Outdoor Workouts That Torch Calories And Transform Your Mood Luxeit Blog


Targets the glutes, outside and inner thighs, quadriceps

1. Place your hands next to your ribs, feet hip-width apart, and elbows bent.

2. Quickly take three enormous strides to the right, squeezing your left foot to meet your right foot once every step.

3. Jump up, bending your knees, and turn to face the other way.

4. Carry on, moving to the left.

Give each side a minute to rest.

Step-Up and Kick

Targets the Hamstrings, Glutes, and Quadricep

1. Take a position facing a flat rock, fallen log, or step. Ascending on your left foot, raise your right leg straight behind you. After one repetition, step down, swap sides, and continue.

2. Raise your right leg behind you diagonally while stepping up on your left foot. After one repetition, step down, swap sides, and continue.

3. Kick your right foot out to the side and step up with your left foot. After one repetition, step down, swap sides, and continue.

Repeat the kick cycle 26 times (back, diagonal, and side).

Hanging Crunches

Targets The Abs

1. With your palms facing front, hang from a low, solid tree limb, monkey bars, or any other raised handhold.

2. Exhale, bend your knees, and pull them towards your abdomen while maintaining fully extended arms.

3. Breathe in slowly and deliberately, then take a step back and resume your starting posture.

Perform 12 repetitions or as many as you can without sacrificing form.

HIIT Cardio Burn

Perform each of the following motions back-to-back without stopping in between. The key here is to get your heart rate up with minimal rest. Time yourself going through the exercises for an extra challenge, and aim to beat your PR each time. All you need is a timer, a towel, and some water.

Long Jumps

Begin by standing at the short edge of your exercise mat or towel. Before jumping, bend your knees and brace your core for stability. Then, jump as far as you can and aim to land softly on the balls of your feet. After landing, backpedal back to your starting position and repeat the jump. Complete ten repetitions of this exercise.


Start in a high plank position. Make sure your hands are shoulder-width apart and directly under your shoulders. Keep your back straight throughout the exercise. Now, bend your elbows and slowly lower your chest towards the ground until your chest nearly touches the floor. Then, push through your palms to extend your elbows and return to the high plank position. If the standard push-up is too challenging, you can modify the exercise by dropping down to your knees instead of keeping your toes on the ground. Aim for ten repetitions of this exercise.

Sumo Squats

Stand with your feet wider than hip-width apart, and turn your toes slightly outward. Keeping your back straight, bend at the knees and lower yourself into a squat position. Continue lowering your body until your thighs are parallel to the ground. To lift yourself back up, push through your heels and engage your quadriceps (upper leg muscles) and glutes (buttocks) to return to the starting position—complete 15 repetitions of this sumo squat exercise.


Stand tall at the end of your exercise mat. Bend your knees slightly and brace your core for stability. Then, jump explosively forward to the other side of the mat, landing softly. Immediately after landing, lower yourself down and place your palms flat on the ground. In a quick motion, jump your legs back into a plank position with your arms extended straight. From the plank position, jump your feet back towards your hands and return to a standing position. This completes one burpee repetition. Aim for 15 repetitions of this full-body exercise.

Outdoor Workouts That Torch Calories And Transform Your Mood Luxeit Blog

Bicycle Crunches

Lie on your back with your knees bent at a 90-degree angle and your feet flat on the floor. Clasp your hands behind your head. Now, lift your upper back off the ground, engaging your core muscles. As you lift your torso, extend one leg straight out in front of you while simultaneously drawing the opposite elbow towards the knee of the bent leg. Keep your chest elevated and your core engaged throughout the movement. Return the extended leg back to a tabletop position and repeat the movement on the other side with no rest in between. This alternating motion counts as one repetition. Complete 20 bicycle crunches, including 10 repetitions on each side.

Mountain Climbers

Begin in a high plank position with your hands shoulder-width apart directly under your shoulders and your body in a straight line from head to heels. Engage your core muscles to maintain a flat back throughout the exercise. Now, quickly alternate, bringing each knee towards your chest as if you are running in place. Remember to maintain a strong core and keep your back flat while rapidly switching legs. Aim for 20 repetitions of mountain climbers.

Outdoor Exercises For Your Inner Athlete

Join a Rowing or Sailing Club

Classes in sailing and rowing are an inexpensive and enjoyable option to vary up your exercise regimen. These are both great outdoor fitness activities.

Sailing is a full-body exercise that improves muscular endurance, agility, coordination, and flexibility in the upper body. Additionally, each workout might burn about 200 calories.

Conversely, rowing is a low-impact aerobic workout that targets your back, abdomen, and legs thoroughly. It's an excellent technique to burn up to 800 calories in an hour while being outside.

Go For A Trail Run

You may burn more calories during your outdoor exercises by using trail running without having to go farther. Jogging over uneven and textured terrain is a more intense and effective workout than jogging on smooth pavement because it challenges your body with every stride.

Trail running demands complete attention as you negotiate your footing, maintain balance, and adapt to changes in gradient, in contrast to steady-state runs on pavement or a treadmill. This makes your workout more strenuous since it uses both your anaerobic and aerobic energy systems.

Dribble Drills

Playing ball is a fun and effective way to get full-body strength and cardio workout outdoors without needing any gym equipment.

Here's the idea: Grab various balls, like basketballs, soccer balls, or even Swiss balls, and design drills that incorporate them for different purposes. You can use them as weights, cones, or tools to create instability and challenge your balance.

Here's a sample drill:

  1. Set up two balls next to each other on the ground and place a third ball about 10 feet away.
  2. Starting from the side with two balls, pick one up and run, slide, or even dribble it between your feet to the other side.
  3. Once you reach the other side, switch balls, leaving the one you had and picking up the one that was already there.
  4. Continue moving the balls back and forth until you've moved each ball ten times to complete the exercise.

Relaxing Outdoor Workouts

Outdoor Workouts That Torch Calories And Transform Your Mood Luxeit Blog


Walking has traditionally been associated with physical fitness, but new studies have shown that walking outside might also have positive effects on mental health. Engaging in this straightforward pastime while immersed in nature reduces stress and elevates mood. According to studies, walking causes endorphins to be released, which calms and reduces anxiety. Additionally, being in the presence of greenery can help to promote relaxation by soothing the nervous system.

You may also noticeably enhance your brain performance by taking a walk outside. Time spent in nature improves concentration, creativity, and memory. A mental break is provided by the change of environment and stimulation of your senses, which enables your brain to regenerate. Furthermore, exercise improves blood flow to the brain, which may enhance cognitive performance and even stimulate the creation of new brain cells.

Outdoor Yoga

Unfolding your yoga mat outdoors offers a unique experience that goes beyond the typical studio setting. Natural terrain, even a grassy park, subtly challenges your balance and strengthens your awareness of your body's position in space. Immerse yourself in a multi-sensory experience as gentle breezes, birdsong, and sunshine heighten your focus and connection to the present moment. Sunlight exposure during practice naturally boosts your mood and energy levels, while the surrounding nature reduces stress hormones and promotes feelings of calm. The wide-open space allows for a sense of freedom to explore new poses and feel a sense of expansiveness in your mind and body.

Chic & Ready To Move: Elevate Your Outdoor Workout

Outdoor workouts not only elevate physical fitness but also foster mental well-being by immersing us in nature's rejuvenating embrace. Whether you're scaling mountains, practicing yoga in a sunlit park, or embarking on a trail run, each outdoor exercise offers a unique opportunity to reconnect with ourselves and our surroundings. Embrace the benefits of exercising outdoors—enhanced mood, increased vitality, and a sense of liberation—as you integrate these activities into your lifestyle.

As you embrace the exhilaration of outdoor workouts—refreshing your mind, invigorating your body, and reveling in the freedom of the open air—Luxeit offers athleisure that seamlessly enhances your active lifestyle. Explore our collection online and discover apparel crafted to empower your every move, from energizing routines to tranquil moments in nature.

July 24, 2024 — Lily James

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